Our Story
When owner and baker, Lezli-O'Neal Lewis, found out about her wheat allergy eight years ago, she began figuring out how to make gluten-free versions of the comfort foods and treats she missed the most. Eating out and trying new foods has always been something she enjoyed. After being underwhelmed with the gluten free dining options here, with much encouragement and support from family and friends, she decided to start selling her baked goods at markets in hopes to one day open a brick and mortar location. That day came sooner than expected when she was connected with a local building owner in her neighborhood who was willing to join in and help create a place for their community to gather over food and coffee once again.

We call ourselves a micro-bakery because we decided to get started with what we had available instead of making our gluten-free friends wait any longer. Unfortunately we ran into some major obstacles with our first space regarding plumbing issues that were causing health and safety concerns forcing us to move out unexpectedly after just 7 weeks of opening. However, we have finally secured new location and are back up and running! We are so appreciative of every one of you who supported us at our first location and donated to our Kickstarter so we could get relocated. Our Kickstarter was originally going to be to expand our operations and offerings with bigger and better equipment. With the unfortunate situation at our first location, that changed to helping us relocate and replace the equipment that had been owned by the landlord. We still plan to expand our offerings and capacity as soon as possible and we welcome your continued support and patronage in order to do so. For more of our story check out the Good Neighbor podcast episode below where I sat down with Scott Howell to talk about the heart behind starting CRK!